Golf Courses
If you’d like to refine the look of your golf course, you’ve certainly come to the right place. G.A.R. Paving currently offers use of a SP-50 paver, which is perfect for creating walking and cart paths. Without a doubt, these asphalt trails will enhance the appearance and functionality of your golf course or country club.
Our specialized paver can also be used to lay stone on your paths. After a frigid winter or blistering summer, this treatment will rejuvenate any damaged surfaces. Best of all, we ensure as little disruption to your customers as possible. Call us today to fix any issues that might show on your cart path, such as loose edges, deteriorating pavement, water puddling, and more
Browse the following section to learn more about the advantages of asphalt paths throughout your golf course.
• Increased Profits
• Extends Cart Rental Season
• Faster Play
• Less Course Maintenance
• Greater Comfort for Golfers
• No Dust, Mud or Bumps
• … And More!